Luther vs Johnson

Monday, August 21, 2006

Luther in Bemidji Pioneer

Bill Luther appeared in the Bemidji Pioneer with a commentary piece entitled 'State needs tough stance on oil monopolies, price fixing' (free registration required). A snippet
In Congress, the gas and oil companies have immense influence with large campaign contributions. These companies have been allowed to create and regulate America’s energy policy. The result has left Minnesotans emptying their pocketbooks while no significant changes are being made to help them.

Minnesotans deserve leadership. It’s clear we cannot wait for Washington to solve high prices at the gas pump. Just as Minnesota led the fight against big tobacco companies who prey on our children and HMOs who mistreat patients, we must lead the fight against price gouging and monopolies in the oil industry.

First, we must investigate oil company practices that drive up gas prices. The decision by BP PLC to temporarily shutdown an Alaskan oil field because of a leak in one of the pipelines has caused a spike in gas prices. Reports indicate that corporate unwillingness to make repairs in a lax regulatory environment was the cause of the incident.
Cross posted on Centrisity

Friday, August 11, 2006

Luther Interviews Up

Inside Minnespta Politics has a Podcast Interview with Bill available here.

Also, Matt with MNPublius spoke with the Congressman recently.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Luther to Abide by Spending Limits

From a Luther Campaign E-Mail
I have signed the agreement to abide by the campaign spending limits. My first reason for doing this is simply that it is the right thing to do-- money is corrupting the political process. But my second reason is that
to do otherwise would allow the Republican candidate to spend an unlimited amount of money. And recent history indicates that if they are permitted, Republicans and special interest groups--both in-state and out-of-state--will target and spend virtually anything to take control of this Attorney General's office, an office that has been in Democratic hands for 40 years and has been dedicated to fighting corporate abuses.

Luther Targets High Gas Prices in Bid for Attorney General

From a campaign Press Release:

Candidate Questions Oil Company Profits, Market Disruption

(ST. PAUL) – With gas prices in Minnesota reaching an all-time high, Minnesota Attorney General candidate Bill Luther served notice that he will not tolerate oil companies gouging Minnesota consumers, farmers and businesses at the pump. The former Congressman called for experienced leadership in tackling this crisis.

“In the first half of this year, oil companies made excessive profits during a time when there was relative stability in market distribution and oil supply,” said Luther. “Oil companies have shown they do not care about the pain Minnesota’s families feel in their pocketbooks. They’ve shown they only care about consolidating power and posting record profits.”

In July, five of the world’s largest oil companies - BP PLC, Chevron Corp., ConocoPhillips, Exxon Mobil Corp. and Royal Dutch Shell PLC - said their combined income in the second quarter was $34.6 billion, up 36 percent from a year earlier.

Luther cited past reports and memos that highlight the decisions of oil companies to lower supply to increase the price of gasoline. An internal 1995 Chevron memo recommended the company reduce refinery capacity to substantially increase profit margins. The 2002 Minnesota Attorney General Office’s report on Minnesota’s Gasoline Market indicated that action can be taken in a number of areas to re-establish competition in order to lower gas prices.

“Minnesotans are tired of waiting for honest answers from oil company executives,” Luther continued. “As attorney general, I will put our families ahead of oil company profits by cracking down on price gouging and breaking up monopolies in the oil industry.”

When President Bush took office, the average price of gasoline was about $1.22 per gallon. Then big oil companies were allowed to regulate the market and the result has been staggering. Minnesota’s families have seen a 175 percent increase in the cost of gasoline in the last six years.

“Minnesotans deserve leadership,” explained Luther.

“They deserve someone who will fight to make sure oil companies are not gouging consumers, farmers, and businesses. They deserve someone who will make sure oil companies are not driving up the price of ethanol at the expense of our rural economy. They deserve someone who will make sure oil refineries are not violating safety and environmental requirements that put our communities and families at risk.”

For eight years, Bill Luther served the people of Anoka, Washington, and Dakota Counties in the U.S. House of Representatives. In addition, he was a prosecutor, private attorney and a state legislator representing northern Hennepin County.

Luther to Not Seek Endorsement

It comes as no surprise that Bill Luther has decided not to attend this weekend's Central Committee meeting and has further requested that they not endorse.

The reality here is that regardless of whether they endorse or not, all three candidates will appear on the ballot. There is no way any of them could realistically abide, so why not let the voters decide. Bill states:
"I just think under the unique circumstances this year that going back to the rank-and-file Democratic voters and including them in the process, and asking them for their decision in the primary is the way to go."
Polinaut has the audio.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

From Ted Thompson

Ted is Bill's former chief of staff. He sent out the following to supporters today:

As I’m sure you know by now, my old boss and friend Bill Luther has entered the race for Minnesota Attorney General. With Bill as our candidate, I’m certain we will be victorious in November – keeping the attorney general’s office, regaining the governorship and other constitutional offices, and re-taking the Minnesota House.

I’m writing to ask for your support of Bill’s campaign. He’s quickly putting together his operation and I’m doing what I can to help with fundraising and other duties. Right now, building up the bank account is critical given the short time frame in which this race needs to be run. Your contribution will certainly help that effort. The pertinent information is below:

Luther for Attorney General
P.O. Box 600457
St. Paul, MN 55106

I believe the maximum contribution is $500 per person so any amount up to that would be terrific. Bill’s campaign website is – it’s still being worked on, but it provides contact info, etc.

Thanks for your consideration! You may also want to check out the Luther v. Johnson blogspot at - there is no affiliation with the campaign, but it is providing some up to date information you may find interesting.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

AG Forum Update

I have just been informed that AG Candidate Bill Luther will be unable to attend this evening's AG Forum. Bill is out of town on a previously scheduled visit with his daughter.